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Results for "main_practice: Compassion, content_type: Teaching Story/Scene"
Spiritual Literacy Mary Ann Brussat's reflection on the wisdom of Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum regarding present day Holocausts.
Gabriel's Palace A Hasidic tale about the souls of trees, selected and retold by Howard Schwartz.
Joan Chittister, What Does It Mean To Be Human? Why should I deny my own nature
Estelle Frankel, Sacred Therapy Divine presence is in the care extended to all things
Marcy Heidish, Who Cares? A hurled bedpan
Compassion with Mistreatment Advice on linking self-compassion and compassion towards those who mistreat you.
Sadhu Sundar Singh Sundar Singh's teaching story illustrating how in helping others we receive help ourselves.
The Way of Sufi Chivalry A teaching story by Nasr ibn Muhammad on compassion
Work as a Spiritual Practice Lewis Richmond on doing everything with love and compassion.
The Other Team Suggestions for practicing the bodhisattva way by rooting for the other team and wishing them well.